A two-layer network approach to Information Disorder

attempt1 Information disorder, popularly referred to by its problematic synonym "fake news", is turning out to be a massive problem. Here I try to explain a framework with which I have been contextualizing the various aspects of the problem. I believe there are two layers of networks involved - one of information and another of people - and these two networks have interactions between and within them. I am going to use some jargon on Networks dynamics which I define in my earlier blog here . So if the jargon seems foreign, kindly read through that post first. The two layers, separately As aforementioned, I think there are two layers of networks involved in the Information Disorder problem - The Information layer and The People layer. The Information layer - In this layer, the nodes are different pieces of information while the edges relate two pieces of information. The different pieces of information on a social network could be posts (aka tweets or threads) and...